A Toast to 105: Southdowns Nursing Home’s Joyous Birthday Bash!

August 27, 2024

Mum was born on 10 August 1919 in Pomigliano D’Arco a large town just outside Naples.  She also has a sister, Maria who was born in 1920 and is still alive and well and living in Italy. As you may know, Italy fought the war initially under Mussolini’s regime until he was deposed in 1943 when they joined the Allies.

Times were hard for them all, especially food, most of which was taken to feed the troops.  Pomigliano was bombed on many occasions as there was an Alfa Romeo factory producing engines and a large airfield which eventually was used as a base by the US Army Airforce and our RAF.  One particular story she remembers is of herself, a friend and her sister running down the main street trying to get out of the line of aircraft fire.  They all jumped into a large pizza oven to escape and she remembers thinking “Well we’ll either be killed by enemy fire or burnt to death in the oven!”

I don’t think there is a great secret to her long life apart from good genes.  She has always stuck to her Mediterranean diet, which includes lots of fruit, vegetables, and olive oil.  Her mother was 99 when she died and her sister is 103.

She worked as a teacher in Italy, coming to England in 1947 to visit a childhood friend who had married an RAF engineer.  Whilst here she met my father, Lionel, at a dance on Hastings Pier and married him in 1949.

She taught Latin and Italian at schools and colleges here until changes in legislation meant her qualifications were no longer valid to teach in this country.  She spent the last part of her life working in the jewellery trade.

Leah Norman – Activities Co-ordinator said  ‘We are so blessed to celebrate this amazing milestone of 105 with Virginia and her family today. The sun shone and the residents had such fun singing, dancing and enjoying the celebrations.

I don’t really think there is a great secret to her long life apart from good genes.  She has always stuck to her Meditterranean diet, lots of fruit, vegetables and olive oil.  Her mother was 99 when she died and her sister is 103.

She worked as a teacher in Italy, coming to England in 1947 to visit a childhood friend who had married an RAF engineer.  Whilst here she met my father, Lionel, at a dance on Hastings Pier and married him in 1949.  She did teach Latin and Italian at schools and colleges here until changes in legislation meant her qualifications were no longer valid to teach in this country.  She spent the last part of her life working in the jewellery trade.

Leah Norman – Activities Co-ordinator said  ‘We are so blessed to celebrate this amazing milestone of 105 with Virginia and her family today.  The sun shone and the residents had such fun singing, dancing and enjoying the celebrations.


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