Arthur’s Story

Learn more about how Arthur changed from being very isolated to being much more empowered and involved in the community

Arthur came to us having been living in institutions all of his life, unable to effectively communicate his needs or wants or preferences at all, his quality of life had deteriorated to the extent that his behaviours were now so challenging, he was unable to access the community as he would not wear outdoor clothes, or sleep in a bed, feed himself, use the toilet or take part in any of his own activities of daily living.

With a thorough assessment of needs and implementation of robust behaviour managementĀ  strategies by the staff in Mulberry House, within days Arthur was feeding himself all of his own meals, commenced on a regular toileting schedule, slept in his own bed every night and is now regularly accessing the wider community on buses, going for walks with staff and taking part in household tasksĀ  like washing up, laundry and simple gardening.

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